Sunday, May 4, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Well, here I go. One of the main reasons that I am starting this blog is that I just want something to do on my computer! I don't play computer games much anymore and surfing the internet for the latest funny you tube video is getting old. I am also horrible at things like Myspace and Facebook because people get upset when I don't write them back or pay attention to their pages. I am hoping that blogging is a little more one way. I am not anti-social, just bad at things like that. (I also rarely listen to cell phone me crazy.)

Another reason I am blogging is that I thought it might be interesting for other people out there who are new to fly fishing or who are just thinking about starting out to have a resource to go to to laugh at, learn with, get ideas from, etc. Considering my new found passion (fly fishing) and my geographic location (SE of the Holy Grails of the fly fishing world!) I thought I could update this blog somewhat regularly with some interesting content.

I guess we'll see!!

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